
Intake Team

As clients come into our services in the Hamilton Offiice, we will meet them with services the moment they walk in with the Intake Team. The Intake Team is comprised by a Clinician, Case Manager, and a Benefits Specialist. We are excited about the benefits our clients will experience from this no-barrier approach to treatment.

The purpose of the Intake Team is to provide access to services Monday through Thursday (8am to 5pm) and Friday (8am to 3pm.) For the following services:

  • Diagnostic Assessment
  • Case Management needs
  • Supportive services
  • Therapy services

The goals of our Intake Team are:

  • Complete a comprehensive diagnostic process to ensure accurate treatment modalities
  • Secure treatment funding
  • Establish clinical and case management goals for their time with the Intake Team (e.g. apply for entitlement programs, connect with Primary Care, connect with needed community resources, offer housing referrals)
  • Meet client's clinical needs (Solution-Focused Approach, Risk Assessment and Safetly Planning)
  • Establish Treatment Goals
  • Referrals to ongoing services with BBH Programs

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do clients reach the Intake Team?
    • The Intake Team has walk-in availablity during buisness hours. Clients can come into the office, and request to meet with the Intake Team. Or by calling 513-896-7887 and selecting prompt #1
  2. How long would clients be part of the Intake Team?
    • This depends on the immediate needs and assessment process. BBH will work diligently to offer continuous services from the first time a client walks in.
  3. Where can I find the Intake Packet?
    • Please click here to view and print our Intake Packet.